Home Energy Audits

Get unbiased testing from an industry expert.

Talk to our team to schedule an energy audit!

(248) 677-6508
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Get unbiased testing from an industry expert.

Talk to our team to schedule an energy audit!

(248) 677-6508
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Whether you’re a contractor planning energy efficiency upgrades for a home, or a homeowner who is looking to resolve comfort issues once and for all, a successful project starts with a home energy audit. A home energy audit is a comprehensive assessment of a home’s energy efficiency, with the goal of uncovering the root causes of comfort issues, poor indoor air quality, and more.

McNeely Building Group offers unbiased, third party energy audits for contractors and homeowners throughout Michigan and parts of Ohio.

Diagnose Comfort Issues with a Comfort Audit

We meet a lot of homeowners who are looking for ways to improve their indoor comfort. That’s why we often refer to energy audits as “comfort audits.” A comfort audit will pinpoint exactly what’s causing recurrent comfort issues and give you the information you need to make targeted improvements. The audit includes a number of diagnostic tests to uncover inefficiencies:

Blower Door Testing

Blower door testing measures a home’s total air leakage. It involves installing a large, powerful fan in an exterior doorway — and then running this fan to pull interior air outside, creating negative pressure. This forces air to rush into the home through any holes, gaps, and cracks in the building envelope, allowing the auditor to measure just how airtight the home is.

Infrared Thermal Imaging

During the blower door test, the auditor will also use an infrared thermal camera to look inside your walls, attic, and other hidden areas. This high-tech camera uses temperature differences to reveal air leaks along ceilings and walls as well as any gaps in insulation.

Combustion Safety Testing

Malfunctioning combustion appliances can release harmful carbon monoxide gas into the home. Combustion safety testing ensures that all combustion appliances — such as the furnace or boiler, water heater, and gas stove — are operating safely.

Valuable Information from an Unbiased Third-Party

An energy audit provides the valuable information you need to begin making targeted comfort and energy efficiency upgrades. As an independent, third party auditor, we provide unbiased information about what a home may need — and never recommend anything a home doesn’t need.

Are you a homeowner working with a contractor to improve your home? We can also work with your contractor to design a scope of work based on our findings.

Looking to schedule a comfort audit with an unbiased, third party expert? Call (248) 677-6508 or contact us to talk to our team!

Department of Energy