DOE Zero Energy Ready

Make sure your new home will be Zero Energy Ready.

Get in touch with McNeely Building Group!

(248) 677-6508
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Make sure your new home will be Zero Energy Ready.

Get in touch with McNeely Building Group!

(248) 677-6508
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Zero Energy Ready home comes with a number of attractive benefits, including outstanding energy efficiency, health, and comfort. With rising energy costs and a growing desire for energy independence, many homeowners are choosing to build Zero Energy Ready homes.

McNeely Building Group offers Zero Energy Ready consulting for homeowners throughout Michigan and Ohio who are interested in building a Zero Energy Ready home. As an energy modeler and Zero Energy Ready green verifier, we can verify that your home plan and newly constructed home meet rigorous Zero Energy Ready standards.

Why Build a Zero Energy Ready Home?

Zero Energy Ready homes, which are backed by the U.S. Department of Energy, represent an entirely new level of home performance. These homes adhere to rigorous standards which make them remarkably energy efficient, comfortable, healthy, and durable. Some of the most notable features of a Zero Energy Ready home include:

High performance thermal enclosure

Energy efficient windows, high performance insulation, and comprehensive draft protection provide consistent comfort and keep contaminants out of the home year-round.

Whole house water protection

A comprehensive water barrier system and interior moisture control keep unwanted water and moisture out of the home.

High performance comfort system

High efficiency heating and cooling equipment and thoughtfully designed ductwork make for lower energy bills and more reliable indoor comfort.

Whole house health protection

Contaminant resistant construction, a fresh air system, and high capture filtration technology work together to maintain healthy indoor air quality.

Solar ready construction

Zero Energy Ready homes are designed to offset all or most annual energy consumption with renewable energy. Built-in features make it simple to install rooftop solar panels down the road.

Make Sure Your New Home Is Zero Energy Ready

Are you a homeowner who is considering building a Zero Energy Ready home? Or are you a builder who is looking to build to rigorous Zero Energy Ready standards?

As a home performance consultant with expertise in Zero Energy Ready homes, we can verify that your home plan will yield the results you are looking for — and work with you or your builder during construction to make sure all specs are met. Because we are a third party expert, we offer unbiased recommendations with only your goals in mind.

Interested in building a Zero Energy Ready home? We can help. Call (248) 677-6508 or contact us to schedule a meeting with McNeely Building Group!

Department of Energy